Pabodie Art

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Pabodie Art is the brand of Deborah Pabodie, a fine art photographer, graphic designer, and digital artist.

I have been in love with art since I can remember. As a young child I was constantly scribbling and drawing and trying to realistically recreate what I saw surrounding me. Fast forward to my adult life and I was fortunate to be able to use my art as I moved through the corporate environment and then to owning my own Design Studio for 25 years.

Now retired, my days are my own versus the crazy hours and hectic schedule I once maintained. It has brought a relaxing methodology to my art and has allowed me the time to dedicate and explore new mediums and styles, and enjoy the world in a much more peaceful way. I wake up with a smile and am excited to create and to share with others how I see the world. I hope that you find some beauty and peacefulness in my art and I am grateful that you are here, as every sale to me is a blessing. So, take a moment and look around. There is an abundance of imagery to see and my goal is to record it in an artistic form that can be enjoyed, shared and remembered. So often we pass by and miss the simple things that make up the whole of our lives. Take a few moments to enjoy the people, places, scenes of nature, and most especially, God's gifts to us all.Click on any image to see size and media options. All art is fulfilled by Pictorem. Shipping is free to USA and Canada.

Click on any image to see size and media options. All art is fulfilled by Pictorem. Shipping is free to USA and Canada.
